Miniature Boerboel quick
Medium sized alarm dog to warn owners
by typically barking. Miniature Boerboels are great family
companions with the ability of being versatile such as
agility, certifiable good citizenship, farm dogs to suburban
life styles. Alert, hardy, intelligent, with a solid build.
They can be aloof to strangers if not socialized when young.
Miniature Boerboel Standard
General Appearance
• The Miniature Boerboel is referred
to as “a Boerboel in miniature”.
• A medium size dog with smooth
short hair; slightly longer than
• Well-balanced dog with all body
parts in proportion to each other
• Front legs are straight and
carried under the body while rear
legs are well bent at the stifles
• Fluent movement; excessive
musculature should not interfere with
the natural gait
• Females shall appear feminine when
compared to males
• Great stability, strength, vigor
-Capable of great athleticism.
• All points of the standard are
well distributed -No feature is so
prominent or lacking that it makes the animal appear
deformed or out of proportion.
Temperament and Character
• Alarm dog: to warn owners by
typically barking. They are not
expected to engage (bite) a threat. The Miniature Boerboel
is to simply sound the alarm (bark)
when something is not right.
• Disposition should be equable,
kind, loyal, even tempered and
• Excellent family pet, a comedian,
good with children and other
animals within their family -Can be reserved and aloof to
• A “Velcro” dog -Extremely
intelligent with a strong bond to its
humans. Easy to train but obedience training is still
Body Proportions:
The Miniature Boerboel is slightly
longer than tall, but overall it is a balanced dog with all
body parts being equally proportionate.
• Typically Boerboel
• In proportion to the rest of the
• Broad and deep
• Head should be fairly wrinkle free
when relaxed; moderate wrinkles
displayed when attentive
• Face blends with the skull
• Well filled between the eyes; set
well and evenly apart
• The stop is visible but not
• Nasal bone is straight and
parallel to the line of the cranial
roof; medium length and tapers slightly toward the front and
proportionate to the head.
• Muzzle is not snipey nor squashed
• Top lips are loose fitting and
should not hang past the bottom
• Lower lips can be loose; should
not flare outward
• Square and wide
• Displays musculature
• Level plane appearance on top of
the skull between the ears when the
dog is alert
• Brows are moderately raised
• Jaws are deep and strong and taper
slightly to the front
• Medium size eyes and must be free
of Entropion or Ectropion.
• All shades of yellow, brown, and
black is allowed.
• Eyes protruding or with a lot of
visible white when looking forward
is a fault.
• Nose is broad with wide nostrils.
• Nose leather is black.
• Pinched nostrils are a fault.
• Earflaps are V-shaped and medium
• Carried close to the head
• When attentive, the top of the
earflaps form a straight line with
the top of the skull (slightly above or below is
• Correctly spaced
• Preferred scissor bite; undershot
or overshot bite is allowed
• Excessive undershot bite or
overshot bite where teeth are
exposed when the mouth is closed is a disqualification.
• Wry mouth is a disqualification.
• Arch in the neck is preferred.
• Neck is a strong medium length and
gradually broadens toward the
shoulders. (Neck should be long enough for the dog to easily
bend to the ground and side to side, but not too long
that it is out of proportion to the
rest of the dog’s body).
• Dewlap is loose from under the
chin and becomes firm between the
• Well-attached shoulders, with
moderate angulation
• The chest is broad and strong and
placed deep between the forelegs.
Preferred depth is even with the elbows when looking
at the side view of the dog. Front view of the
dog,the chest should not be A-frame
or Cathedral; it should form a mild U
shape between the forelegs.
• Disproportionately wide chest,
lack of chest depth is a fault
• Elbows are parallel with the body
and held close to the body
• Forelegs are strong and muscular
-Viewed from the front they should
be parallel to each other, not bowed or with toes turning
inward and viewed from the side the forearm should be
vertical from the elbow to the
• Front pasterns are straight,
strong and vertical.
• Forepaws should be moderate in
size, ball shaped and firmly set.
Toes compact with high knuckles. Well padded.
• Dewclaws may be removed
• Body has good depth and width
• Topline is straight and level
• Ribcage is well sprung and well
filled behind the shoulder blades
• Underline has a slight tuck up
• The back is straight and broad
• The loin is strong and slightly
narrower than the ribcage and rump
• Sturdy, strong and muscular
• Croup is broad and strong
-Preferred to be flat.
• Tail set is high and straight
-Tails are docked at the 3rd or
4thcaudal vertebrae. • Natural tails are acceptable -Natural
tail should reach the hocks and be carried with a
slight curve upwards when moving. •
Cork screw tail is a disqualification •
Stifles well bent with moderate angulation. • Hocks
firm, well- let down and parallel to each
other • Straight or cow-hocked rear
is a fault • Rear declaws are a fault • Hind paws are
well-padded, well-shaped and point straight forward
Coat and
• Skin is loose and thick, but fits
smoothly -When attentive it will
display mild to moderate wrinkles across the brow.
• Well pigmented on lips, palate,
skin around the eyes and nose
• Short smooth coat
• Long or curly hair is a
Coat colors:
Any color, color pattern, or
combination of colors is accepted except for merle and
• Merle pattern and Albinism is a
• Nose leather of any color other
than black is a disqualification.
• Lack of pigmentation around the
eyes is a disqualification.
• Smooth movement that is buoyant
• Comfortable reach in front and
• The legs and body should move in
line front to rear.
• The back remains firm without a
lot of sway or body roll.
Height for both sexes:
• The Miniature Boerboel height is
in balance with the rest of the
body mass
• Males are to be masculine. Females
are to be feminine.
• Ideal height range for males: 15
to 19 inches.
• Ideal height range for females: 14
to 18 inches.
* NOTE of most importance. Height
and weight must be balanced and of correct proportion verses
actual weight and height of the dog. Dogs slightly over or
under the ideal height range are not to be penalized unless
they are disproportionately narrow or over done, or
compromises health, structure or movement.
• Viciousness or extreme shyness
• Wry mouth
• Undershot bite or overshot bite
that allows teeth to show when
mouth is closed
• The merle pattern coat
• Albinism
• Long or curly coat
• Unilateral or bilateral
• Entropion or ectropion
• Pricked ears or cropped ears
• Cork screw tail
• Nose leather of any color than
• Lack of pigmentation around the
• Height above 19 1/2 inches.